Now We’re Cookin’: Get Hooked on Baked Haddock


March 15, 2021 · Family Today ·

Now We’re Cookin’: Get Hooked on Baked Haddock

Fishing for a good, weekday meal? You can’t go wrong with baked haddock! Not only is this white fish incredibly nutritious, but with minimal preparation you can have an entrée on the table in less than 20 minutes.

Why are we such big fans of haddock? Well, just one fillet contains about half of your daily value of vitamin B12 – which helps keep your nerves and blood cells healthy – and a seriously significant amount of protein, which is helpful for growing bodies.

Check out the recipe below:

The real magic of this meal is what you pair with your freshly baked haddock fillets. Add some roasted potatoes and some green vegetables like string beans, and you have a tasty, and healthy, meal. Pastas and salads are also great options here. Finally, keep your eyes on this blog for a quinoa recipe that pairs marvelously with this baked haddock recipe.

Don’t miss new recipes every two weeks! Come back to the blog or subscribe to our YouTube channel for new food experiments from the Today’s Family kitchen.


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