Now We’re Cookin’: Kids looooove BBQ Pulled Chicken Sandwiches


May 24, 2021 · Family Today ·

Now We’re Cookin’: Kids looooove BBQ Pulled Chicken Sandwiches

Today, we’re heading back to the Today’s Family Kitchen for another incredible meal: BBQ Pulled Chicken Sandwiches. The key to this recipe is the chunky, homemade “BBQ” sauce, which combines crushed tomatoes and pineapple to make a sweet and tangy sauce that’s high in Vitamin B and fibre.

And then there’s the chicken, sauteed with onions for even more flavour and nutrients before mixing everything together and serving on a whole wheat bun.

Check out the recipe below, and note: this recipe is best prepared for the night before.

Now that you have the sandwiches, you also need some sides! Sliced veggies like carrots, celery, or cucumber make delicious finger foods that complement the tangy BBQ sandwiches, but you could also make some of the green spinach dip from our previous recipe blog and use it as an excuse to add corn chips or pitas to the meal!

Don’t miss new recipes every two weeks! Come back to the blog or subscribe to our YouTube channel for new food experiments from the Today’s Family kitchen.


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