Now We’re Cookin’: Succulent Butter Chicken


December 7, 2020 · Family Today ·

Now We’re Cookin’: Succulent Butter Chicken

Brrrr… do you feel the temperature dropping? Winter is quickly on its way, and that means an increased need for warm, hearty foods to keep you nice and comfortable through the dark evenings. Today, we want to show you how to cook one such meal: butter chicken!

Butter chicken is a popular Indian dish that features a complex blend of spices and vegetables to create a rich, succulent entrée. Don’t worry if it sounds intimidating: we attached the recipe and a video explaining how to make butter chicken from scratch right here:

In our experiences, children LOVE this butter chicken recipe, even if they are usually picky eaters. Butter chicken has a lot of flavours, but none of them are strong enough to be a problem. Our recipe mixes in frozen peas, but you can also try mixing in other vegetables as well, like carrots or green beans.

If you liked this recipe, and you want to be the first to hear of new recipes, be sure to subscribe to our new YouTube channel. Every new recipe video will be uploaded there.


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